Saturday, February 6, 2016

Top Ten Inventions Revised

Hi all! After reading all of your posts and different interpretations of what you believed were the top 10 inventions of all time I did some thinking. So here, after some hard thought, is my new and improved list... Thank you all for the inspiration and ideas!

10) REFRIGERATORS: Around 1840 a very high tech version of the icebox was invented. Having the ability to store foods and meats for extended periods of time has completely changed the lifestyles of people all over the world. It may seem simple but it truly changed public health levels dramatically. Decreasing people’s chance of getting diseases due to spoiled foods.

The Introduction of condoms and birth control ignited a sexual revolution in the world and allowed for individuals to practice safe sex and protect themselves from STI’s and pregnancy. The lower rate of pregnancy has also lead to higher standard of living for families overall. Sanitary products such as pads and tampons weren’t introduced until the 1920s in America and without ways of controlling a woman’s menstrual cycle, like 70% of Indian woman, it leads to reproductive diseases and can cause long lasting harm.

8) PLUMBING INFRASTRUCTURE: Before the 1700s when plumbing was introduced people would use the streets as a waste sight. This total lack of sanitation was the perfect environment to spread disease through rats and vermin. The Black Plague alone killed between 75 million to 200 million people, including 1/3 of Europe’s population. So if it wasn’t for the sanitary system we could still be facing diseases that are easily avoidable. 

7) AIRPLANE: In 1903 the Wright brothers invented the plane and I am forever thankful for that. Aside from completely changing foreign trade and relation it has allowed me to travel to beautiful countries all over the world and experience cultures I wouldn’t have been able to experience before.

6) Writing Systems- The first writing system was created around 3200 BC in Mesopotamia, and from that point, our world was changed significantly. Before there was a writing system, information would be passed on through word of mouth and folklore. If it wasn’t for writing systems we would know nothing about our world’s rich history and I wouldn’t be able to be doing this presentation!

5) PRINTING PRESS: Gutenberg’s printing press in 1436 exponentially sped up the process of creating books which helped the world of education catapult forward to the place we are today (Shout out to #6 for helping us get to this point at all). It also was a huge contributor to the spreading of religion (most notably the bible). Nowadays its used most frequently for things like Twilight and 50 Shades of Gray but we’ll just try and ignore that (sorry Gutenberg).

4) VACCINES AND ANTIBIOTICS: The life expectancy nowadays compared to years ago is a testament itself. If it wasn’t for the medicines and vaccines we have today I would certainly be dead for sure. I’ve had appendicitis, pneumonia, chronic asthma, and numerous other things that modern medicine has saved me from.

3) ELECTRICITY: To put it literally, we would still be in the Dark Ages without electricity. The world we live in today would not exist without it. We have become more efficient due to this invention and has led to the invention of uncountable other things that have bettered our lives. Without electricity many modern day inventions would not exist. 

2) THE GREEN REVOLUTION: Between the 1930s and 60s Norman Borlaug led the initiative into a new world of agriculture. Things such as GMOs, expansion of irrigation infrastructure, modern management techniques, synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and many more devises were introduced. This movement was credited to saving millions of people all over the world from starvation.

1) INTERNET: Our entire globe is connected over this non-physical entity and that is insane to me. We get and send information instantly and everyone knows what’s going on in the world. Knowledge can be obtained faster than every thought imaginable. The whole world literally at our fingertips, any question you have can be answered in a matter of seconds. With the use of the internet we’ve made ourselves more efficient and accessible. Also Netflix…

1 comment:

  1. Hi Harley,

    Great revised list! I really appreciated your addition of "The Green Revolution." It led me to read your second post as well.Your post made me ponder other questions relating to the green revolution and food distribution:

    Have there been other "green revolutions since Borlaug's? Do you think that his revolution resolved world hunger? What additional "green" revolutions are necessary to prevent world hunger and starvation?

