Saturday, January 30, 2016

About me

Hi! My name is Harley Williamson and I’m a second year student here at Cal. I lived most of my formative years (6-18) living in London where I attended the American School in London. Because I lived in London I became a huge fan of Rugby and still follow it to this day. I’m also incredibly passionate about the environment, I was president of our ecology club which included a month long fully immersion backpack trip through areas of South Africa, including the Imfolozi Game Reserve and the Drakensburg Mountains. Through this passion I decided to study Environmental Economics and Policy here. With the hope of one day becoming involved in Environmental Law and Policy. I am incredibly interested in taking IEOR 190G this semester (Spring 2016) with Professor Lavian for a multitude of reasons. First of all, I am pursuing a Certificate in Entrepreneurship Technology from the College of Engineering and this class helps me achieve this certificate. Secondly, I want to be completely competent in the ups and downs of patenting because the way Environmental technology has been progressing over the past years its obvious that patenting will be essential to those individuals wanting to change our impact on the world. And if I had the skills to help them achieve these patents then it would be a great step towards a greener future.  

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