Saturday, January 30, 2016

My Top 10 Inventions in History

10) REFRIGERATORS: Around 1840 a very high tech version of the icebox was invented. Having the ability to store foods and meats for extended periods of time has completely changed the lifestyles of people all over the world. It also created a whole new industry for retail grocery stores and products made specifically for fridges.

The Introduction of condoms and birth control ignited a sexual revolution in the world and allowed for individuals to practice safe sex and protect themselves from STI’s and pregnancy. The lower rate of pregnancy has also lead to higher standard of living for families overall. In terms of sanitary products, it wasn’t until the 1920’s that they were introduced to America. Without ways of controlling a woman’s menstrual cycle, like 70% of Indian woman, it leads to reproductive diseases and can cause long lasting harm.

8) SMARTPHONES: Yes, many people believe that smartphones are “ruining my generation” but even they can’t deny the insane impacts these phones have on our day-to-day life. The whole world literally at our fingertips, any question you have can be answered in a matter of seconds. With the use of smartphones we’ve made ourselves more efficient and accessible. Plus iPhone games are great, lets be honest.

7) AIRPLANE: In 1903 the Wright brothers invented the plane and I am forever thankful for that. Aside from completely changing foreign trade and relation it has allowed me to travel to beautiful countries all over the world and experience cultures I wouldn’t have been able to experience before.

6) THE ENGINE: Invented by Thomas Newcomen in 1712 he sparked the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, which completely transformed us into the world we live in today. However, the steam engine was the beginning of fossil fuel emission and has been insanely impactful on our lives and has put the future health of this planet in danger.

5) PRINTING PRESS: Gutenberg’s printing press in 1436 exponentially sped up the process of creating books which helped the world of education catapult forward to the place we are today. It also was a huge contributor to the spreading of religion (most notable the bible). Nowadays it used most frequently for things like Twilight and 50 Shades of Gray but we’ll just try and ignore that (sorry Gutenberg).

4) VACCINES AND ANTIBIOTICS: The life expectancy nowadays compared to years ago is a testament itself. If it wasn’t for the medicines and vaccines we have today I would certainly be dead for sure. I’ve had appendicitis, pneumonia, chronic asthma, and numerous other things that modern medicine has saved me from.

3) ELECTRICITY: To put it literally, we would still be in the Dark Ages without electricity. The world we live in today would not exist without it. We have become more efficient due to this invention and has led to the invention of uncountable other things that have bettered our lives.

2) THE WHEEL: I know this is a classic but it truly is one of the greatest inventions in history. The wheel gave us the ability to transport goods, travel, and facilitate agriculture. Its crazy how our lives have changed due to just a circular thing. Yes, we do use it for stupid hoverboard things today, but please don’t let that make you appreciate the wheel any less.

1) INTERNET: Our entire globe is connected over this non-physical entity and that is insane to me. We get and send information instantly and everyone knows what’s going on in the world. Knowledge can be obtained faster than every thought imaginable. Also Netflix…

About me

Hi! My name is Harley Williamson and I’m a second year student here at Cal. I lived most of my formative years (6-18) living in London where I attended the American School in London. Because I lived in London I became a huge fan of Rugby and still follow it to this day. I’m also incredibly passionate about the environment, I was president of our ecology club which included a month long fully immersion backpack trip through areas of South Africa, including the Imfolozi Game Reserve and the Drakensburg Mountains. Through this passion I decided to study Environmental Economics and Policy here. With the hope of one day becoming involved in Environmental Law and Policy. I am incredibly interested in taking IEOR 190G this semester (Spring 2016) with Professor Lavian for a multitude of reasons. First of all, I am pursuing a Certificate in Entrepreneurship Technology from the College of Engineering and this class helps me achieve this certificate. Secondly, I want to be completely competent in the ups and downs of patenting because the way Environmental technology has been progressing over the past years its obvious that patenting will be essential to those individuals wanting to change our impact on the world. And if I had the skills to help them achieve these patents then it would be a great step towards a greener future.